Synodal Church in India Must Embrace Christ’s Mission of Unity and Service

Fr. J. Johnson OFM Cap.

In a world where the complexities of faith often intertwine with societal challenges, the Synodal Church in India is called to a transformative mission. This mission is not merely about institutional survival or maintaining traditions; it is about embodying the teachings of Christ and fostering a community that reflects His love and compassion. The Synodal Church aims to be a beacon of hope and unity, addressing the pressing issues of casteism, social inequality, and the need for genuine service to the marginalized.

Christ as the Central Focus

At the heart of the Synodal Church is the belief that Christ must be the central focus of all endeavors, decisions, and actions. This perspective emphasizes that the mission belongs to Christ, and all members of the Church—schools, dioceses, priests, bishops, and laypeople—are integral to this mission. The Church’s existence is rooted in a shared relationship with Christ, fostering a sense of organic unity among its members. This unity transcends human connections and social interests, emphasizing spiritual dependence on Christ, which unites believers in their faith and purpose.

In a synodal context, the Church’s mission is not viewed as a job or profession but as a commitment to selfless service. This commitment is essential for overcoming social divisions and fostering inclusivity. The Synodal Church recognizes that all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, are equal in Christ’s eyes, and it actively works to dismantle the barriers of casteism and discrimination that persist within some Christian communities.

Embracing Spiritual Discernment

The Synodal Church emphasizes the importance of spiritual discernment, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit rather than relying solely on human wisdom. This approach encourages a deeper relationship with Christ, allowing the Church to uncover the richness of Catholic tradition and scripture. By focusing on objective truth—rooted in divine revelation, magisterial teaching, and the consensus of the faithful—the Synodal Church aims to avoid the pitfalls of relativism and individualism.

In this context, power and authority are viewed as gifts from God, meant to serve the community rather than dominate it. The Synodal Church promotes a model of leadership based on humility and love, encouraging its members to build up the Body of Christ through service. This understanding of authority fosters a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability within the Church.

Addressing Social Inequalities

One of the critical challenges facing the Synodal Church in India is the coexistence of faith and social structures that perpetuate inequality. While the Church proclaims the message of unity and equality in Christ, the lingering presence of casteism and social divisions complicates this mission. The Synodal Church must confront these issues head-on, advocating for social justice and equality.

A proactive step the Church can take is to ensure that marginalized communities receive educational opportunities. By reserving a percentage of free seats in diocesan institutions for underprivileged Christian students, the Church can demonstrate its commitment to social justice and empower those who have been historically disadvantaged. This initiative not only reflects the Church’s mission but also serves as a tangible expression of its faith in action.

The Role of Youth and Future Leaders

The Synodal Church recognizes the vital role of youth, particularly Altar Boys and Girls, in shaping its future. By investing in their spiritual growth and development, the Church can cultivate future leaders who embody the teachings of Christ. This focus on youth formation is essential for ensuring that the Church remains vibrant and relevant in an ever-changing world.

Moreover, the Synodal Church must encourage its members to assume influential positions in society. By guiding Christians to become judges, teachers, and leaders in various fields, the Church can promote justice, equality, and compassion. This active engagement in societal leadership positions is crucial for countering rising ideologies that threaten the values of inclusivity and love.

A Call for Healing and Forgiveness

The Synodal Church acknowledges its need for healing, forgiveness, and prayer. As a community of imperfect believers, it must seek to restore unity and wholeness by addressing the wounds of division and hurt. By fostering a culture of forgiveness and embracing God’s mercy, the Church can become a more authentic and compassionate community.

This journey towards healing also involves confronting the challenges posed by modernity, such as the influence of social media. The Church aims to guide individuals in recognizing the difference between the curated online reality and the authentic experiences of life. By encouraging genuine relationships and connections, the Synodal Church seeks to foster a community grounded in love and understanding.

Proclaiming the Gospel in a Modern Context

In a world that often prioritizes self-reliance, the Synodal Church has a vital responsibility to proclaim the Gospel and model humility and dependence on God. By sharing the transformative experience of God’s love and grace, the Church can awaken hearts to His presence and impact the world with the revolutionary message of the Gospel.

The Synodal Church must also address the alarming doctrinal ambiguities that have emerged, particularly regarding the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. By prioritizing catechesis and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Church can nourish its members with the life-giving presence of Christ.

Conclusion: A Vision for the Future

The Synodal Church in India stands at a crucial juncture, called to embody the teachings of Christ and address the pressing social issues of our time. By prioritizing spiritual discernment, inclusivity, and genuine service, the Church can fulfill its mission and become a beacon of hope for all.

As it navigates the complexities of faith and society, the Synodal Church must remain committed to its core values, ensuring that every action reflects the love and compassion of Christ. Through prayer, healing, and a focus on the next generation, the Synodal Church can inspire a renewed commitment to its mission, fostering a community that truly embodies the spirit of Christ in a world in need of hope and transformation.

Fr. J. Johnson OFM Cap. belongs to the Amala Annai Capuchin Province, Tamil Nadu, India.