So, where exactly is the center of our world? Some say it is the Big Apple; others Rome, or perhaps London. However, for those who
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So, where exactly is the center of our world? Some say it is the Big Apple; others Rome, or perhaps London. However, for those who
Read moreBreaking rainfall records of 50+ years, Israel was blessed with an unusually wet winter this past year. The Sea of Galilee rose, the rivers and
Read moreDescribing the historic invasion of Judea by Antiochus Epiphanes (the Macedonian Seleucid Emperor), Daniel used a unique term, saying, “He shall … enter the Glorious Land…” (Daniel
Read moreAnd many nations shall come, and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of
Read moreBy Reuven Doron – Shiloh is mentioned 33 times in the Old Testament. It is a biblical site that served as the religious capital of
Read moreSecond only to the sacred bonds between husband and wife and between parents and children, comes the bond that exists between a people and their
Read moreWhen you come to Israel, you will experience Jewish culture, biblical history, and Israeli hospitality. It is more than just a land, or a country,
Read moreBallari: In commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the encounter between Saint Francis of Assisi, a 12th century well-known Saint of Ecology from Italy and
Read moreBy Joy Prakash, OFM Everything exists because God called it into being by name. In the beginning God says, “Let there be light” and there
Read moreBy Verghese V Joseph – Last Thursday, Vatican’s Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, addressed a high-level gathering on the occasion of the commemoration of
Read moreBy Sr. Rekha M Chennattu, RA – Continuing the series on the theme — A Call to Become the Good News — Biblical scholars speak
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