Today’s gospel passage presents one of the most interesting parables ever told by Jesus. It is interesting because it is both historical and predictive. Jesus covered the history of Israel from God’s perspective, just as God sees it.
And then he predicted or revealed exactly what was going to happen to Israel: they were going to reject God’s own son, and because of their rejection and cruelty, God was going to reject them by giving the kingdom of God to another group of people.
What is said throughout this passage is applicable to all people as well as to Israel. God has entrusted the vineyard of the church and of the world to us, the new nation, the new creation of God. He is generous and has provided us with everything to take care of his vineyard. It is our duty to assure growth and fruitfulness.
Martin Madalai Muthu csc - Readings: Tob 11: 5-17; Mk 12: 35-37 As we call ourselves Christians, we are expected to possess sufficient knowledge about Christ. We need to know him as the word made flesh and dwelt among us. We must know what he proclaimed and taught. We need…
By Ajit Kumar Takiri - Readings: Tob 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17, 8: 4-9a; Mk 12: 28-34 Both the readings are inviting us to be filled with God’s love towards our neighbours. Jesus teaches us how we need to love God and our neighbours. Jesus loved his Father with all his heart…
By Eldho Augustine csc - Readings: Tob 12: 1, 5-15, 20; Mk 12: 38-44 ‘Love God!’ This seems easy, but ‘Love your neighbor!’ is harder. ‘Love yourself!’ is alien to today's Gospel. But there is a healthy self-love that acknowledges God’s creative love in ourselves. The gospel of the day…