Epiphany also known as “Theophany” in Eastern Christian tradition, is a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the wedding at Cana.
In Western Christianity, the feast commemorates principally (but not solely) the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and thus Jesus Christ’s physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is sometimes called Three Kings’ Day, and in some traditions celebrated as Little Christmas. Moreover, the feast of the Epiphany, in some denominations, also initiates the liturgical season of Epiphanytide.
The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord commemorates the visit of the magi to worship the baby Jesus as told in the Gospel of Matthew: “Behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’”
The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, which means “to manifest,” “appear,” or “make known.” The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates the revelation of Jesus, the Son of God, to the world. The magi, or kings, or astrologers, or seekers from the East, stand in for all the peoples of the earth, for Jesus comes not just for one group of people but for all.
“The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the world. The great feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men (magi) from the East, together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighboring pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the Incarnation.” CCC 528
Epiphany and the End of the Christmas Season. Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, commemorating the visit and adoration of the magi to Christ in Bethlehem. It has historically been celebrated on January 6th since at least the 3rd century, but is celebrated in the U.S. on the Sunday falling between January 2nd and January 8th (inclusive). In the Orthodox Church and many of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches it also, effectively, celebrates the birth of Our Lord, i.e., Christmas. This year it also represents the last Sunday of the Christmas season, which ends tomorrow, Monday, with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
The visit of the magi is rich in symbolic meanings for Christians, in particular those relating to the revealing (“epiphany”) of the Christ to the gentile world. As we think about this, it reminds us that that the Church is the Body of Christ on Earth, and so is called to continue the Christmas/Epiphany revelation of the coming of the Messiah to the world. But this is not just a responsibility for the Pope, bishops and priests: each of us baptized into Christ and members of Christ’s Body, and so each of is called to go out to the gentiles of today—those who do not share our Christian and Catholic faith—and reveal Christ to them. This can take various forms, but it begins with living our lives as if we believe in Jesus ourselves. So we live lives in keeping with the moral teaching of Christ, especially when it comes to chastity and charity. But we also must speak to others about Jesus, and His Church. Again, this can take various forms, considering prudence, our own particular talents, and the particular opportunities the Lord gives us to share our faith.
Origins of the Church’s Celebration
The celebration of the Epiphany dates back to the early centuries of the Church. Originally, it included the celebration of Christ’s birth. It wasn’t until 336, under the reign of Emperor Constantine, that the Church began celebrating Christmas separately, on December 25, creating the 12 Days of Christmas which continued through the Feast of the Epiphany. While the actual date of the Feast of the Epiphany is January 6, in the United States, the celebration of the feast is transferred to the weekend closest to that date. This Christmas season, it will be on January 5, 2025.
The Gifts of the Magi
In many European cultures, the Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated as richly as Christmas, with gifts exchanged, since it is the day when the Magi presented their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus.
“These gifts can be seen as representing this threefold mission of Christ and the Christian,” explains Father Mark Nolette in his blog, The Anchorite.
“Frankincense was often used in divine worship. It becomes, then, an apt symbol of Christ as priest. It is also a symbol of Christ’s divinity. Note that the magi prostrate themselves before the child Jesus and do him homage. In Matthew’s Gospel, such words are only used for God or Jesus. No one else. This is divine worship.
“Myrrh was often used in burials, especially of prominent people who could afford it. Because of this, Christians often interpreted this gift as referring to the coming suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In this sense, myrrh can be seen as representing Christ as prophet. We think of the Suffering Servant prophecies of Isaiah that pointed to this. We also recall the words of Simeon to Mary at the circumcision of Jesus in the Temple.
“Gold has long been seen, in many cultures, as a gift for kings, or denoting kingship. It is easy to see how this gift points to the kingship of Christ. In many places in Scripture, from Old Testament references like Psalm 72 to descriptions of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, we see references to gold and other precious materials being offered to God or to the Messiah. It’s interesting to see how Psalm 72 connects the offering of gold to the king’s mission to bring about justice for his people. The gift of mercy and justice is inseparable from Christ’s role as king and from our role as kings in service to the kingship of Christ.”
A Fourth Gift?
Father Nolette says the Magi actually give us a fourth gift as well, the witness of their actions. He says they show us that we will often find God in places and in people where we are not expecting him, that we must have a willingness to change and to open ourselves up to God, and that faith requires a commitment and should be shaped by the Scriptures as interpreted by the living tradition of our church.
“[The magi] expected the king to be born in Jerusalem, and so, they headed in that direction. In Jerusalem, they showed themselves prepared not just to follow their own information, but to seek help. The religious leaders of the city are consulted. They research the Scriptures and send the journeying seekers to Bethlehem. The magi discover God’s word. It is that word which guides them closer to their destination,” says Bishop Deeley. “The challenge of our lives is to see the ways God shows himself to us.”
Although the magi have been given names, Caspar, Balthazar and Melchior, the Gospel doesn’t actually include their names or even that they are kings. Other than the fact that they are from the East, even their countries of origin aren’t known.
On Sunday, January 8, we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord, “the mystery of the manifestation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ to all peoples” as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called it, when the Magi visited the Christ Child.
Saint Stanislaus Papczynski, the founder of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, wrote a reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany to his fellow religious:
“We have seen his star in the East, and have come to adore him” Mt. 2:2
Consider that God did not send an angel to summon the Magi for the sake of paying honor to Christ, but showed them a new and unusual star. Understand, however, that this was done because, in His supreme wisdom, He knew that they would be summoned more easily by a star, than if He were to send them a different heavenly messenger. For they were star experts, and indeed anyone is drawn more easily by means known to him, than by those unknown.
Hence, God used to manifest His will to you through your Superiors, because he knows and wants you to believe them more easily than angels. Therefore, as the Magi followed the command of the star, so you ought to follow the command of your Superiors, unless you do not want to find Jesus.
Do you find yourself wishing that God would just send an angel to you, or some other heavenly sign, then you would know what He wants you to do? Rather, look to the ordinary signs around you that God places in your path – what your boss at work asks you to do, or your teacher, or your parents or spouse. What does the Church ask of you in her teachings? What does Jesus ask of you in the Scriptures? Sometimes we think the Lord isn’t speaking to us, but most often He is, in the most ordinary events of our lives. How does He speak to you? Through a beautiful sunset, a song, a hug of a family member? It’s our responsibility to pay attention and be open to His working in our everyday lives. If we don’t, we might miss Him and what He is asking of us and wanting to tell us.
“And falling down they adored him” Mt. 2:11a
Learn the manner of praying from these kings, who although they were great rulers, yet before the little Child – for the first time acknowledged as God – they dropped to their knees most profoundly. And not without reason; for if mortals approaching mortal kings are accustomed to make most humble, sometimes threefold reverence to them, who would approach the Immortal King without a most humble reverence?
The Apocalypse Prophet attests to having seen twenty-four elders, who with foreheads inclined were falling down on their faces before the Lord (see Rev. 4:10).
O, either proud or sluggish are you, who adore or pray without falling on your knees!
“They offered him gifts” Mt. 2:11b
What kind of gifts will you offer to the Lord today together with the kings? Indeed, if you want him to look upwards at you with the same benevolence with which he looked upwards at the Magi, you are going to need to give him similar gifts: the gold of praise, the frankincense of prayer, and the myrrh of mortification. But if you have not yet gathered these most precious riches in the fortunate Arabia that is in your Order, work hard to gather them, and be eager to imitate in suffering, in prayer, the suffering Christ – the Man most severely tried by adversities.
In your families, every day in your life, there are opportunities to praise Him, to pray, and to offer sacrifices and penances. Although you might not be in a religious order like St. Stanislaus was writing to, your “Arabia” is your home – the domestic church – where you can work every day to imitate the suffering Christ and offer Him thanks and praise.
“And seeing the star they rejoiced” Mt. 2:10
If the Magi were overcome by an unusual joy, when – having gone out of Jerusalem – they caught sight of the star again appearing to them, then in what great joy it was necessary for you to abound, when the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, shone in your heart. And so if the same kings, the Wise Men, looking attentively at that star, followed it to where it directed its course, thus you should watch the light of Jesus abiding in you, and follow it, so that under its command you may attain to Jesus himself, already reigning in heaven.
Observe this light, lest it disappear to you, and thus deviating from the way of perfection, you would not find God, whose seeking was the reason why you made your way from the Babylon of the world to the Jerusalem of the Order.
“The star which they had seen in the East, went before them” Mt. 2:9
Behold, He – who by His light had drawn the Magi to himself – shines in you, your soul, that it may also draw you to Him. Therefore, after the severe night of so many sins and failings, “Arise”, and “be enlightened, O Jerusalem, because your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60:1).
As for you, do not indulge in such sleeping after the Son, God, has risen in you, but awakened, be swiftly enlightened. Alas, how long will you be fond of the night? How long will you abide in the darkness! The Pharaoh beseeched Moses, that he would remove the three-day darkness from his kingdom [see Ex. 10: 21-24). And you, after the heavenly light has entered your heart, will you not put away sleep? “Arise, be enlightened”.
“They went back another way to their country” Mt. 2:12.
Consider that God foresaw the violent death that the most ferocious Herod was preparing for the Magi, visitors of the Infant Christ. And so, the Magi, warned by an angel, did not go back to the tyrant, but returned to their kingdoms by a different way. The same God foresaw your ruin, if – allured by your senses – you were to return again to your former imperfections. Wherefore, enclosed in you, He himself warns you not to return by the same path. Your country is paradise, or Heaven: where one arrives by no other way than by the way of the Cross. Having, therefore, abandoned the way of sensuality, proceed by the thorny way of the Cross: Because by this way one goes to Heaven.
Leon Bent frequently contributes researched articles to numerous newsletters, Catholic magazines and theological journals across India, and digital online portals in India and worldwide, sometimes with a reach of 40 million readers.