The Key to the Soul is in the Mind

Sarbin Soreng csc –

Readings: Num 11:25-29, Jas 5:1-5, Mk 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48

We celebrate the twenty fifth Sunday of ordinary time in the liturgical year. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus appears more radical. The disciple John sees someone trying to cast out demons in Jesus’ name and wants to stop him, but Jesus says, “Do not stop him; whoever is not against us is for us.” Sometimes, when something doesn’t align with our expectations, we choose to stop it. This could be due to our jealousy or because we are too rigid in our thinking. But the Lord sees it differently. For Jesus, if something is right, let it prevail. What is right does not have any bad effect.

Today, Jesus also brings us to an awareness and teaches us to take a very tough and challenging step, which might lead to physical loss, but ultimately benefits us by helping us enter the kingdom of God. He says, if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better to enter the kingdom without a member than to be thrown into hell. He calls us to rid ourselves of the areas in our lives that are sinful and to not dwell on sinful thoughts.

It is said that the key to the soul is in the mind. If we are struggling with sinful thoughts, judgments, anger, or lustful desires that persist within us, we are invited today to cut them off, turn our thoughts around, and gaze upon Jesus. We are called to live like him, following his example of kindness, mercy, and love.

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