The Stations of the Cross: The Sound of Silence

By Sr Lini Sheeja MSC –

If someone who is evil dies we can call it good. But if someone who is good dies, how can we call it good? Our Master and Lord who did nothing except good is offered a heavy cross and is crucified on it! How can we call that good? “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Yes, this Friday is good for all of us, because our God laid down His life for each of us. On this Holy Friday, the day on which we were purified and sanctified, we make Spiritual Pilgrimage through the Stations of the Cross and contemplate the passion of Christ. On this day, when Jesus was on the way to Calvary, men and women whom God created as the crown of creation were unwilling to accompany Him on His way to Calvary, but the voiceless creation journeyed along with God who came down only to do good and to lift fallen humanity. But what if the 14 voiceless elements of creation that travelled with Jesus on His way to Calvary in the mission of redemption want to reason out with us! They challenge us today as we have lost the sense of sin. Let us journey with them to reawaken these voiceless parts of creation in us and reunite with Jesus and the broken humanity.

Jesus Speaks

Being completely aware that I cannot fulfil my destiny without carrying my cross, I carry it most willingly towards Calvary. I am delighted to know that you are going to meditate the way of the Cross that I had walked on that Friday. Salvation came to you through the Cross. I took the form of a man to fulfil the plan of my heavenly Father. I know the nuances of danger, sorrow and abandonment, because I have experienced all of these before you. I had said, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want” (Mt 26:39) and surrendered my life into his loving hands. My dear sons and daughters, will you come to me when you are in danger and face challenges in your life? Yes, if you look at me in your sorrow, your sorrows will turn into joy! Behold, I have shed every drop of my blood for your sake, your prosperity and joy. I was happy dying on two pieces of wood and three nails, so that whenever you look at the cross: ‘You shall be radiant with joy and your face shall never be put to shame’ ( Ps 34:5)

Trial Court Speaks

I have seen many criminals in my trial court. Convicted of several crimes, they awaited judgment. But, I have no clue as to why Jesus, the most Holy One of God stands here. You have pierced his heart by arrows of accusations. The high priests, elders and the scribes have attributed unwarranted allegations against this innocent man, but he remains calm and composed. He is silent … is it because of his innocence? Sinners justify sins, offenders break rules and criminals defend crimes. I am surprised at His silence!

Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way…” But, today he stands falsely condemned. Washing his hands before the crowd, Pilot said that he was innocent of the blood of Jesus and handed himover to the crowd to be crucified. What was his crime? Since he is silent, I want to question you: Has he murdered somebody or looted someone? He has committed no such crimes! Nevertheless, you want to put him on the cross. Let me reason out with you—was it a crime to heal you? Or was it a sin to proclaim the Good News of love and peace?

Wooden Cross Speaks

Pilot has condemned Jesus to be crucified on the cross. Jesus, the One who knew no crime is being condemned as a criminal. The Holy One is being judged as unholy. When I, the wood was felled for a cross, I guessed criminals would be nailed on me as usual. But, what a paradox! They have put me on the shoulders of Jesus, the innocent one. A heavy burden usually carried by many is now being put on the tender shoulders of a frail man, who went around Galilee doing good to all who came to him. The man who came down from heaven to behold you in his bosom is being forcefully held to a heavy cross. He remained silent in the trial court and he embraced the cross most willingly!

I was lifeless but became alive at the very instant I touched him. I was a sign of shame but have now become a symbol of grace. Sin entered the Garden of Eden through a tree but salvation and grace have come to humanity through the cross on Calvary. Thus, Jesus teaches us that we can carry any heavy burden with ease, face any insurmountable problems gracefully and accept any challenge joyfully if we take them willingly. Now, I, the voiceless cross ask you who have voice: you can avail of many wooden crosses to nail criminals but would you find me another Jesus?

Mother Earth Speaks

I witness someone kissing me affectionately the first time. Jesus has fallen weighed down by the cross. You fondly call me mother earth and rightly so here I am experiencing the affection of the most beloved son, lying on my lap. The One, who walked on my soil to work wonders and miracles, has stumbled on his own shadow. I wanted to cry a loud scream as he came down on me, but I could not, for I am a voiceless creation. Trees and plants germinate from me. Yes, the flora and the fauna spring forth from me. But, when the giver of life fell on me, I could not but reverentially embrace him. No words of affection gushed forth from me but I held him lovingly and fondly dandled him on my lap.

A child need not share his sadness to its mother for the mother can read its mind. I can feel his heartbeat, writhing in pain as he collapses on me. His groan pierces through my heart. Jesus came to raise us up from sin and shame. But nobody is willing to lift him up from his fall. Failures are stepping-stones to success. Jesus did not lie down long, subdued by the weight of the cross, but sprang up like a spiral to continue his victory march. His determination shows that there is strength in him and power too.

In a world where everyone is chasing after victory, Jesus is teaching us that failures too pleasantly enrich. I am proud of the fact that Jesus who is the Lord of heaven and earth, is dandled upon the lap of the earth. And his smeared blood has rejuvenated and revitalized me, the mother earth. Don’t y-his encompassing presence to awaken your drooping spirit?

Eyes Speaks

Eyes shed tears. That is their nature. But, today the eyes of a mother and her son shed tears of blood! Jesus dares not to call Mary, “Mother,” fearing inherent danger. Hence, thousands of wordless communications occur between the two. The eyes that kept vigilant watch while breastfeeding him, meets the eyes of her son flooded with blood. A short while ago, Jesus was silent in the trial court at the unfolding of inhuman events; he has once again become speechless at the sight of his most immaculate mother. The blood has blurred his eyes to see his beloved mother’s mourning. The food, with which she lovingly nourished him, has spilled out as blood. This blood is not shed without any reason, but has a definite purpose. Yes, the purpose is to save humanity! This thought strengthens her, despite agony and anxiety.

Jesus was unable to speak to his mother who has come to bid him farewell on the successful completion of his mission on earth. The eyes that had met in joyful ecstasy in Bethlehem, now meet in pain of blood on the road to Calvary. We ask you— is the sorrow of Mary, the price of her obedience to the will of God? Or is the agony of Jesus the rewards of his love for humanity?

Whip Speaks

I am the whip. Surprised at my words? Jesus lived a quite life for thirty years and then went about doing good invariably to everyone for three years. Hence, I can no longer remain a mute spectator to the malice meted out to him. A little while ago, he spoke with his mother briefly through his eyes. This surely gave him tremendous strength. Nevertheless, he still ooks for someone to console him, amidst soldiers around him holding whips.

As Jesus was looking for someone to help him carry his cross, there comes Simon the Cyrene. Soldiers force him to carry the cross. But, Jesus looks at him in tears of joy. His timely help will never be forgotten. Therefore, the soundless words of Jesus to Simon, ‘Your help will ever remain etched in the memory of humanity’ ring loudly in my ears. Having said this, Jesus gratefully casts a gaze at Simon, as the cruel soldiers push him forward whipping him vigorously.

I have seen drunkards being whipped, murderers, dacoits and venals too are whipped. Why do they punish Jesus, the most innocent with whip? Could anyone answer me? Though Jesus was unable to walk pressed down by the weight of the cross, the soldiers still keep on thrashing him, mercilessly. Angered by this agonizing sight, Simon stares at me. Because, every whipping pierces Jesus to his flesh that his bones could be seen and numbered. And I am ashamed that I could do nothing to protect him. I have bent myself to hurt others but now I am bending myself to beg His pardon for hurting Him.

White Towel Speaks

I am the white towel, which was in the hands of the valiant Veronica, a woman revolutionary. Whenever she ventured out, she used to carry me in her hand to wipe her sweat and to protect her from scorching sun. I have witnessed the enormous acts of charity accomplished by Jesus, the Jew to his fellow Jews. He is now looking for someone with a kind heart. Where are his disciples who were with him during his three years of public ministry? Where is Peter, who vowed to remain with him even if others would desert him? All those who were the pillars of his strength have fled away… who will come to rescue him? Who will console him?

It is at this juncture, there appears Veronica as the revolutionary. She could not tolerate the plight of this holy man who pardoned many sinners, being paraded half naked and condemned to death on a cross. A farmer toiling in the field only sheds sweat but Jesus carrying his cross pours forth his blood. As Veronica is running to wipe away the stains of blood from the face of Jesus, the soldiers block and prevent her. But, she pushes them aside and runs forward determined to do what she wanted—to wipe away the stains of blood from the face of Jesus.

As soon as she reached Jesus, she looked at me, the white Towel with a tender look. I prodded her to act promptly. There was no limit to my joy as I wiped the face of Jesus by the tender hands of Veronica. Despite there being millions of expensive cloths, I was fortunate to wipe the face of this holy innocent man. As I wiped the face of Jesus, boundless joy descended on me. How fortunate was I to merit this blessing: the imprint of the face of Jesus? By printing his blood stained face on me, Jesus has made me eternally remembered.

Stones Speak

We are stones. There are millions walking on our sharp edges. We have seen the criminals being dragged on us, paraded naked and stoned to death. But, today we witness a contrasting picture. Seeing Jesus lovingly carry his cross to be crucified on it, we understand that he is not an ordinary man, but a Holy One. The man who had said, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest,” (Mt 11:28) has fallen the second time. He has fallen again with the crown of thorns, brutal pounding and pressed by the weight of the cross. Had he fallen on soil, the mother earth would have cuddled and consoled him. But, he has fallen on us, the stones, who have piercingly sharp edges. Thus, his blood stained body has sanctified us of the stains of sin.

When we heard that Jesus was coming our way, we wished someone would remove us from his path. But, it was a blessing in disguise, that nobody understood our longing to be removed from his way. And as he had said, “If any one want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me,” (Mt 16:24) he carries the cross true to his words. And he does it for the salvation of the world.

Street of Jerusalem

I am the street of Jerusalem and I would like to break my silence. Today a Holy Man is walking on me with a purpose, where thousands had been wandering. The One, who laboured relentlessly along the width and breadth of my streets for others, is being thrust a cross. As I look towards him, the weeping and wailing is earsplitting. And as I turn around, I see a large gathering of the women of Jerusalem, following Jesus. In the language of men, women are created to scream and weep!

I cannot forget the innumerable miracles of Jesus along our path. How would these kind hearted women forget them? It was he who restored dignity to the woman caught in adultery. Again he said, ‘let little children come to me and do not stop them,’ and blessed the children along with their mothers. He marvelled at the faith of the Canaanite woman. He fed five thousand men so that their mothers and wives would be free from fetching them food in the desert! It was he who healed the crippled woman.

Hence, how could these women forget those wonders and miracles? Did they come to weep for him because they received favours or is weeping in their DNA? However, Jesus would have felt a little consolation by their bold gesture of solidarity. Moreover, Jesus might have felt delighted by the outcome of his message of liberty to the captives. Women are usually confined to the four walls of their houses, but they have today come out in the open to express their solidarity for him. Nevertheless, as the son of God, Jesus drives home the message of their responsibility as parents and says, ‘Do not weep for me but for you and your children’ (Lk 23:28). He, who came as the cure for our wounds, is being wounded by our sinful act.

Dust Speaks

I am dust. As Jesus fell the first time, he fondly kissed the mother earth, he sanctified the stained stones at his second fall, and as he falls the third time, he looks at me with tender love. Usually, I blow along the wind and make men clasp their eyes. Pained at the agony of Jesus carrying the cross, I am unable to blow along the wind but have silently mingled with the mother earth. He has neither stamina in his body nor strength in his spirit, so he stumbles and falls on the ground the third time. The disfigured Jesus now looks beyond recognition by the coating of dust. Neither anyone dares to lift him nor someone wants to wipe away the dust from his body. Is it because the heavenly father created the earth or is it his love for the earth, that dust has embraced his entire body?

As he falls fragile and fatigued, he looks at the distance to Calvary and he says unto himself, ‘I haven’t come to fall but to rise and live for you.’ I can hear the sound of those unuttered words of hope. The Calvary is at hind’s sight. Knowing that the destiny was near, he stands and walks steadily. The destiny, which he spoke about thrice and longed to reach to! As I am stuck in his body, I too journey with him to Calvary. As Jesus is silent in the cruel crowd of Pharisees, scribes and elders, I have resolved to silently participate in his suffering. How fortunate am I to be with Jesus, though the sight is brutal.

Garments Speak

Jesus, who was condemned by the elders and scribes, he who was kissed by Judas for thirty silver coins, the one who was crowned with thorns, he who was viciously whipped and he who fell thrice by the weight of the cross, has finally reached the summit of Calvary. As the proverb goes, ‘He who has no cloth is halfman,’ Jesus looks half-man. The soldiers try to separate me –the garment–from Jesus though I have been stuck to his body due to sweat and blood. I do feel the agony of separation just like a new born when separated from its mother. They are not only stripping me from his body but are eventually tearing his flesh from his body.

Those intimate words, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want’ (Mt 26:39), which he had uttered in Gethsemane is being echoed now in my ears. The words of Job, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I go,’ (Job 1:21) are being enacted here in the life of Jesus! They have separated him from his mother and detached his disciples from him by the fear of the cross. And now they ask, ‘why does he need this cloth as he is going to die on the cross?’ Truly, they have denied and deprived him of everything, but can they take away his status from his heavenly father?

Jesus, who was a symbol of holiness, is now presented as a mark of misery and he who clothed the heaven and earth in glory is now unclothed. The Jews thought that if Jesus is stripped off his cloth, he will become an object of ridicule, but don’t they know that after three days at his Name, all knees would bend in heaven, on earth and under the earth? Have you stripped his garments because he came to cloth you in dignity? Or have you stripped his cloth because he came to cloth the nakedness of your sins?

Nails Speak

We, the nails, are a gift to the Son of God for his tireless service for thirty-three years. No book would contain if we were to enumerate them! In our anguish, we wish to speak on his behest. The scribes and the elders are ecstatic for bringing Jesus to the gallows! The One, who came to show God’s mercy, is being mercilessly condemned. The one who had transformed water into the best wine is being offered bitter vinegar. The wine was excellent that all those who had tasted it complained about not serving it first. The price for his miraculous exchange of water into wine is bitter herb.

We the nails, who were sharp, were kept in a tin along with the blunt ones. The soldiers were looking for sharp nails and we were picked up to nail the Saviour of the World. The hands that tirelessly served is now restricted to nails. We can imagine the excruciating pain. Before the pain in his hands could subside, the heartless soldiers forcefully join his legs to thrust another nail on them. We are hapless witnesses to the screaming that burned us like furnace. We feared that we would melt like wax. But, the fire that came from Jesus was the fire of love. All that he could offer was love and love alone to the very end of his life. We the nails are heartbroken to witness this inhuman event, so we have bent in shame.

Calvary Speaks

The creator of heaven and earth is now hanging on the cross connecting them both with a web of love. As Calvary, I have witnessed the death of many. I have heard of their shrieking and screaming as they had died. I have kept quiet all those moments, but today I am devastated. Is it because of the miracles that he performed or is it because of his silence? The one, whose sole mission was to teach us to ‘love God and humanity’ is being silenced on the cross in three hours. But, the sadists who longed to see him die on the cross have been disappointed because of the darkness all around. Jesus screams in agony, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (Mt 27:46) And the words of the heavenly father on mount Tabor, ‘You are my son, my beloved one, with you I am well pleased,’ (Mt 27:49) have been echoing in my ears. I prayed to my heavenly Father so that all those who insulted him may also hear those words.

The ones who had made fun of him at the trial court have once again ridiculed him saying, ‘Let us see whether Elijah comes to his rescue’, (Mk 1:11). The heavenly Father has been quietly watching all these. But, the creation can no longer keep quiet. As soon as Jesus said, ‘Father into your hands, I commend my spirit’, (Lk 23:46) the curtain of the temple sanctuary was torn into two, from top to bottom. The earth quaked, the rocks were split, and the tombs were opened. The creation is the handy work of the Lord. So, how can they remain silent when the creator himself was killed?

My prayers are answered. Those who saw all that had happened, have said, ‘Truly, this Man was the Son of God’, (Mk 15:39). The one who was born to give you new life, has died for you. The one who came to live for you has given up his life for you; so that you may live in him forever. He has gone back to his Father successfully accomplishing his mission. Jesus not only created history, but has become history himself. But, can you find another history like Jesus?

Blessed Mother’s Lap Speaks

The death of Jesus was the saddest event in the annals of humanity. Mother Mary is speechless, as her only son is lying dead on her lap. Hence, I, the lap of Mother Mary would like to speak. Her tears of blood have drenched me. She has quietly prepared herself to accept everything from the very instance of the Annunciation to the agony of seeing Jesus dead on the cross. He who gave life to the birds of the air and the fish of the seas, is now lying lifeless on the lap of his mother. She who had shed tears of joy at his birth at Bethlehem is now shedding tears of blood at the foot of the cross at Calvary.

When baby Jesus cried, she dandled him on her lap singing many lullabies. Even as a grown up child, whenever Jesus was tired and weary, she did the same for him beyond all telling. Hand and lap are a symbol of comfort and consolation. Hence, having laid Jesus on her lap, now she gently touches him with her hand. What a disgusting sight to see the torn flesh, broken ribs and bones; and the disfigured body of Jesus! ‘Oh my son, what wrong have you committed to beget such an insulting death! And how have you gone away from me at the prime of your life?’ I can hear these words of distress coming from the mother of sorrows. The one who consoled and comforted the women of Jerusalem is no more to utter a single word of comfort to his own mother. As a child when Jesus was lost and found in the temple after three days, Mother Mary had asked, “Son why did you do this to us? And he replied, “Don’t you know that I must do the business of my heavenly father?”, (Lk 2:49). Is recalling of this event made her silent? or Is she silent because she knows well that her son will rise after three days?

Tomb Speaks

Jesus came to the world through the womb of Mother Mary, he goes now to the tomb of the earth for the salvation of the world. Jesus once accepted the widow’s mite, but he is now being sent as an offering to the womb of the earth. Burial is an act of interning a dead in a pit of cemetery. The same pit is later dug to intern other dead bodies. And the cycle goes on. But, something unimaginable happens in the burial of Jesus. The tomb of Jesus was all knew – never was anyone buried in before or will anyone be buried in again. Jesus perhaps may not have met many righteous persons during his death trial. But, before being lowered into the tomb, Jesus sees a noble soul, Joseph of Arimathea. He was a man of pure heart, so he wraps the body of Jesus with a white cloth and reverentially places it in the tomb. Hanging on the cross, Jesus had said, ‘All is accomplished.’ And true to his words, his life has come to an end on earth.

The One, who created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day at the right hand of his heavenly father, is put to rest after 33 years of life on this earth. When Jesus slept on the boat for a few moments, even the sea roared unwilling to see him silent! Now he has closed his eyes for three long days. Is it his hope that the heavenly father will take care of the universe? Or is he keeping in control of the air and sea; heaven and earth even in his death? While restoring sight to the man born blind, he said ‘We must do the work when it is day … when the night comes we must rest.’ (Jn 9:4). Is it that night that he had talked about? Jesus, you had toiled for thirty-three years, so you should have been sent either to a garden or a park to rest, but you are put in a tomb. Was his genuine love a sin? Was his human nature a crime?

We Speak

Dear Jesus, you marched silently towards your goal carrying the heavy cross because you knew that there awaited a new life and a new beginning for us. May your vision lead our mission! May your courageous commitment permeate our heart and mind! Bless us O Lord, to be the people of hope and joy for the vulnerable and marginalized!

Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father,

Our Father………….

Hail Mary……….

Glory Be…………..

Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, hailing from Enayam Puthenthurai, Kanyakumari, belongs to the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC). She is a Social Worker by profession and she served as the team member of Childline (BOSCO). She stood for the upliftment of women and children in slums in Bangalore, formed many self-help groups to empower the women. She served as the Medico Social Worker at St John’s Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru as she dedicated her life there for Pediatrics and Geriatrics. She also served as the National Secretary of Prison Ministry India and Chief Editor of Prison Voice – a national monthly magazine. While serving as the Chief-Editor for Prison Voice she authored this book Sound of Silence connecting every station with the struggles of brethren behind bars.