The first reading of today beautifully narrates to us the power of the prayer by Paul and Silas. They were in prison and sentenced to be beaten up. Jesus hears the prayer of his disciples and saved them. This made a jailer to believe in Jesus. The jailer had a dialogue with the disciples, and they proclaimed to him who Jesus is. And he accepted Jesus and whole of his family was baptized by them.
The spirit of the Lord is active and alive, if we are faithful in following Christ, he will be more faithful to us. Paul and Silas were praying not because they are in fear but to keep connected with the Lord and to show that they are followers of Christ Jesus.
In The gospel, Jesus is reminding his disciples that he is going back to the Father to send us a helper. Jesus knows our way of life. He invites us to come to him at each moment. The helper is already sent to us, only we need to be open and welcome the helper in our lives. Jesus assures us that he will be with us till the end of the time. When we accept Christ, Christ lives in us, and he leads our lives. When we have faith in Jesus, we can overcome all that is evil and can be saved.
Shanborlang Mawrie csc - Readings: Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11 When I reflect on today's gospel reading, I find the love and concern of Jesus towards his disciples who had left everything to follow him. He recognizes that his disciples are sad and disappointed. There are such times in our lives…
By Friny Peter Ruwnglal csc Readings: Acts 16: 22-34: Jn 16: 5-11 The human tendency to hold on or cling on to someone very dear and close to them is undeniable as mentioned in today’s Gospel. This is the sad reality: being so possessive at times prevents one from knowing…
Naresh Namindla csc - Readings: Acts 18: 1-8; Jn 16:16-20 In today’s gospel reading, Jesus says tohis disciples, ‘a little while you will not see me and a little while you will see me.’ The disciples of Christ did not understand what Jesus meant by that. Here the risen Lord…
Shanborlang Mawrie csc - Readings: Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11 When I reflect on today's gospel reading, I find the love and concern of Jesus towards his disciples who had left everything to follow him. He recognizes that his disciples are sad and disappointed. There are such times in our lives…
By Friny Peter Ruwnglal csc Readings: Acts 16: 22-34: Jn 16: 5-11 The human tendency to hold on or cling on to someone very dear and close to them is undeniable as mentioned in today’s Gospel. This is the sad reality: being so possessive at times prevents one from knowing…
Naresh Namindla csc - Readings: Acts 18: 1-8; Jn 16:16-20 In today’s gospel reading, Jesus says tohis disciples, ‘a little while you will not see me and a little while you will see me.’ The disciples of Christ did not understand what Jesus meant by that. Here the risen Lord…