The Bishop of Belgaum Most Rev Peter Machado will be installed as the new Archbishop of Bengaluru on Thursday during the solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 4.30 pm at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Cleveland Town, Bengaluru.
The programme will begin with Concelebrated Holy Mass at 4.30 pm and at 6.30 p.m. there will be a public farewell function followed by felicitation to His Grace Archbishop Peter Machado and a farewell function to His Grace Archbishop Bernard Moras. Parking arrangements have been made at St. Germain’s Educational Institutions, St. Joseph’s Convent, Promenade Road and St. John’s Church Compound.
His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Rev. Peter Machado as the new Archbishop of Bengaluru on Monday, March 19, 2018. Bishop Machado was born on May 26, 1954 in Honavar, a port town in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. He was ordained as the Bishop of Belgaum on March 30, 2006. He completed his doctoral studies in Rome in Canon Law.
Indian Catholic Matters will stream the Installation ceremony live on its Facebook page on Thursday.
Indian Catholic Matters extends prayerful greetings to His Grace Peter Machado and wish him every success in the new responsibility.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to His Grace Bernard Moras for the shepherding the flock and introducing many initiatives for the growth of the church in Karnataka. May his tribe increase!
Below is the touching farewell message from His Grace Bernard Moras.
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Meet Archbishop-Designate of Bangalore Peter Machado
Rev. Dr. Peter Machado – The Common Man’s Bishop
Archbishop Designate Peter Machado Urges Youth to Overcome Drugs Addiction
Dear Rev. Fathers/Brothers/Sisters and Lay Faithful,

On the eve of my retirement, I pen this farewell letter to express my deep gratitude to one and all. First and foremost, I render my humble and sincere gratitude to Almighty God for his benevolence by giving me life, enriching it, and sustaining it with his providential care. I am always aware of my humble beginnings. What I am today is largely due to my parents who, as devout Catholics, gave me a strong Christian formation and instilled in me the seed of my priestly vocation.
While I pray to the good Lord to grant them eternal rest, I also thank my brothers and sisters, and close relatives and friends for their love and prayerful support. May the merciful Lord grant eternal rest to my brothers who have gone to gain their eternal reward. And I also owe my sincere gratitude to my then Parish Priest who encouraged and motivated me to discern my vocation. At the same I am grateful to late Bishop Basil D’Souza of Mangalore for ordaining me as Priest. May his soul rest in peace. And, above all, I owe Him my heartfelt gratitude for calling me to serve Him and His people as a Priest and a Bishop. He has been my support and strength during the last 50 years of my Priesthood and 22 years of my Bishopric; and, particularly, His unfailing help during the past 14 years in my Pastoral Ministry as Archbishop in this Archdiocese.
Also Read by His Grace Bernard Moras:
Archbishop Moras Urges Faithful Not to Succumb to False Propaganda
Church in India Enriched by Variety and Multiplicity
Participate Actively, Urges Archbishop Dr. Bernard Moras
I was appointed Bishop of Belgaum in 1996 and Archbishop of Bangalore in 2004 by His Holiness St. John Paul II. His Holiness Benedict XVI invested me with Pallium, and appointed me as Member of the Pontifical Council for Health and Pastoral Care in the year 2008. When I was nominated as Bishop of Belgaum, I was really surprised and shocked as I never expected to be a Bishop. In fact, I was hesitant and even expressed my unworthiness to accept it. But, the higher ecclesiastical authorities forced me to give my consent. And, under obedience, I had accepted my nomination as a Bishop.
After serving seven and half years as Bishop of Belgaum, least did I expect that I would be chosen as Archbishop of Bangalore. Even this appointment also came as a surprise to me. At that time, I could not decline as the appointment letter clearly stated that I should accept it for the good of the Church. Once again, with due respect and obedience to the Holy Father, I had accepted my appointment.
My journey as a Priest, Bishop and Archbishop was filled with various experiences as one could have it, and it was joyful as well as painful. But as I look back, I can say with humility, the Lord has been showing me his unfailing love all through my ministry. I do render Him honour and glory, and thank Him for His unfailing providential care for me and for others. As a practice, prior to taking any decision or commencing any work, I used to always pray to the Lord and Mother Mary. And only their continued guidance and support have been motivating me to undertake various projects in the Archdiocese, namely pastoral, educational, social, medical, charitable, developmental, etc.
The priority was primarily given to the pastoral ministry, which was effectively done through the cooperation of the Archdiocesan Clergy, Religious and the Laity. When I was appointed as Bishop, I put myself under the protection of Mother Mary by taking my motto: “IN THEE WE HOPE MARY OUR MOTHER”. Mother Mary has protected me against all odds. I thank Mother Mary, and ask her to protect me and all of you with her maternal love and care. In order to cater to the spiritual and temporal needs of the People of God, from the time I took over the pastoral leadership in 2004, a number of new parishes and mission stations were established. Many Adoration Chapels were established in the parishes to promote devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist. And several new churches have been built, and old ones were extended and renovated.
Similarly, new presbyteries were built, and many old ones were renovated and refurbished and upgraded. However, on a priority basis, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre – Paalanaa Bhavana was built to give an impetus to the pastoral activities in the Archdiocese. The 21 Archdiocesan Commissions and several Lay Associations were set up. The Archdiocese has given a lead to the other dioceses in the State and in the Country by starting the three Special Commissions, i.e. Migrant Commission, Commission for Differently Abled and Minority Commission. The Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre helps these Commissions and Associations to organize their training programmes, and to conduct their meetings and major activities. Besides, the former Workers’ Centre was also upgraded, and the BMSSS Office was reorganized, and a New Block (St. Mary’s Block) was put up for ASHA Charitable Trust that educates about 2000 rural children year by year in the Archdiocese from 2005 onwards.
In order to live and put into practice the spirit and mandate of the Church, an ecumenical initiative was taken by establishing ‘All Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights (AKUCFHR)’. And various Inter-religious Celebrations, such as Christha Namana, Christmas, Deepavalli and Ed-Milad festivals, were held to bring together people of all faiths.
In the Diamond Jubilee Year of the Archdiocese ‘The Jeevan Jyothi Trust’ was created to render medical assistance, primarily to the poor patients suffering from kidney and heart problems, and also other chronic ailments.
With a view to reorganizing the Curia Office in the Archdiocese and to systemize the Administration, the first floor was added to the Archbishop’s House to provide facilities for Conferences, Accommodation for Priests and Rooms for Guests. The Archdiocesan Archives has also been re-organized, and all the important Documents are now well catalogued for quick reference.
The Clergy Home is not only given a face-lift, but it is also equipped with many facilities for the retired priests to spend their retired life comfortably. They really deserve these facilities as they worked hard and sacrificed their lives for the welfare of the people in the Archdiocese. A few years back, one more floor, with a lift facility, was added to the existing Clergy Home to provide more rooms and other amenities for the retired priests. Setting up a professional Infirmary, Regular visits of the Doctor and Appointment of personal attenders to the invalid priests are a few other facilities provided to our senior priests.
A full-fledged Property and Legal Office was set up to streamline all rent collections, leasing /renting of properties, listing out existing properties and purchase of properties. These arrangements have helped to offset financial liabilities and to enhance financial assets in the Archdiocese.
To assist the Clergy and the Religious in their pastoral administration, a Pastoral Handbook was published in 2009 and 2015 (Revised) that gives them the needed guidelines for their pastoral and financial administrations in the parishes and in the institutions. During the past 14 years, the Educational apostolate in the Archdiocese was streamlined and strengthened by Registering the ABE as a Trust. Setting up an Independent Office for the ABE; starting a Degree College, and several Pre-University Colleges, High Schools and Middle Schools and Nursery Schools; and providing hostel facilities for the rural children; and improving the service conditions of the ABE staff; and streamlining the financial system of the ABE – are a few remarkable growth of the Educational apostolate.
With a view to empowering the Archdiocesan Clergy and to helping them gain more pastoral expertise in order that they may serve the people effectively and professionally, many priests were sent for higher studies to do the Post-Graduate and the Doctoral Studies in Ecclesiastical and Secular streams. In order to help our Archdiocesan priests to deepen their spirituality and to gain new pastoral insights, they were sent on Pilgrimage-cum-Study Tours to the Holy Land, The Places of St. Paul’s Missionary Journeys and the East European Pilgrimage Centres. All of them said that they had benefitted a lot from these Pilgrimage- cum-study tours and that they are implementing some of the insights and findings into their everyday pastoral ministry.
The Archdiocesan Minor Seminary (Bhakti Bhavana) was given a face lift and was reorganized in order to offer better facilities and formation to our students in their early seminary formation. The Archdiocese has also been encouraging vocations by admitting more students to the minor seminary in order to increase the number of priests to cater to the growing spiritual and pastoral needs of the Archdiocese.
During my 14 years of pastoral ministry in this Archdiocese, I can say without any hesitation that I have done my duties, be it pastoral, administrative, financial, spiritual or temporal, with diligence and dedication without any self-interest or personal gains. All the planning and implementation of pastoral initiatives and other projects were done according to the laws of the Church, directives of the ecclesiastical higher authorities and in consultation with the College of Consultors, Council of Priests, Archdiocesan Finance Committee, and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Project Advisory Committee etc.
I wish to mention that, during the past years, the number of Deaneries was increased, and regular Meetings of the College of Consultors, the Council of Priests and the Deans were held to review the Pastoral Activities in the Archdiocese. Except one year, each year was dedicated to a specific target group by choosing a specific theme, reciting the special prayer daily during the Holy Mass and organizing several activities at the parish, deanery and Archdiocesan levels.
To strengthen the spiritual life of the Priests, regular monthly Recollections, annual Retreats, Deanery Meetings, annual Pastoral Consultations were held. With the assistance of the Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (BCCRS), parish and deanery retreats were regularly conducted. Prayer Groups and lay ministries are also brought under the purview of the BCCRS to strengthen and give impetus for retreats and prayer groups. The Archdiocesan retreat center is being put up with the cooperation and assistance of BCCRS.
The mission and ministry of the Bishop have their source and foundation in Jesus Christ. The responsibility of the Bishop is to be continually centered on Christ and to promote Christ’s mission in the Church and in the world.
Episcopacy is not a human invention so that it can be exercised following worldly models. Certainly not! It is of Divine origin and must be lived according to the mind and heart of Jesus (C.C.C. 873). As a successor of the Apostles, it is the Bishop’s responsibility to build the flock, i.e. the Diocese entrusted to his pastoral care. Everything in the Bishop’s life is directed towards the building up of the Church in love. (Vatican II on Priests, PG 11). This has been my humble endeavour all through my priestly and episcopal ministry. Though this has been challenging and quite hard, in the final analysis, it has brought me much joy, satisfaction and sense of fulfillment to have been at the service of God and His People. And this spirit I will carry it forward till the end of my life.
My dear Fathers, Religious Brothers and Sisters, and People of God, as my parting advice and humble request to all the Archdiocesan clergy, religious and lay faithful is: We are in great need of communion, unity, solidarity and fellowship in the Archdiocese. The “spirituality of communion” is fostered by being open to the work of the Holy Spirit and by being welcoming to others.
Let us keep aside our petty affiliations such as language, caste, ritual and economic status, and work as one dedicated pastoral team, for God’s greater glory, and good of every individual in the Archdiocese, and, very specially, for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Let us not forget that we are called to be wise and faithful servants who imitate Jesus, and become part of community of the faithful, by sharing people’s joys and pains, expectations and hopes. We can always find the spiritual energy by being close to the Lord that is indispensable for radiating his love and joy in today’s world, especially in our Archdiocese.
I am grateful to the Officials of the Vatican Dicasteries for their guidance and directives in sorting out the language problem in the Archdiocese. This problem was affecting the unity and peace in the Archdiocese for the last few decades. The Directives issued by Rome was implemented in the Archdiocese from 12th April 2015, and this new policy has brought in a ray of hope, joy, peace and satisfaction in the liturgical celebrations in the Archdiocese. I hope and pray that this language policy, as it respects every ethnic and language group in the Archdiocese and in the Metropolitan City of Bangalore, helps us build a true fraternal community and promotes Christian unity among one and all.
The Second point I wish to share with you is: No one can deny the fact that the Bishop is the Pastor of all the people in the diocese. And it is expected of all the priests, to use all their talents and energy, cooperating with the Bishop in his pastoral plan to the Diocese. Each one of the priests should effectively cooperate and follow the directives in their respective parishes and institutions. The church is not a democracy. It is hierarchical and, founded by Christ, it is the mystical body of Christ. Hence, whatever comes our way we should accept cheerfully and with humble obedience.
I bring this point to all of you with a firm belief that we truly understand the need to practice the promise of respect and obedience to the local Ordinary for the good of the local church, as he has to always think of the common good, and to plan and act accordingly.
Dear Rev. Fathers, Sisters and Friends, I am indeed very grateful to all of you for your love, affection, encouragement, support and cooperation extended to me during the last 14 years in the Archdiocese. I will always cherish them in my heart and also will remain grateful to every one of you. While doing my pastoral duties, at times, I might have hurt the feelings and sentiments of some of you. But be assured that it was not willful. However, may I take this occasion to ask for your forgiveness. Likewise, may I also state that I don’t have anything negative feelings against anybody in my heart. Let us forgive one another and be always united in God’s everlasting love.
My special thanks to all the members of various ecclesiastical bodies, such as the College of Consultors, the Priests’ Council, Archdiocesan Finance Committee, Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Project Advisory Committee and various Commissions and Associations. I also thank all the staff of Archbishop’s House and staff working in various Institutions of the Archdiocese for their dedicated service, and also all those who have been associated with the Archdiocese directly or indirectly for their support, good wishes for me and for the Archdiocese.
May I request you to extend your fullest support and cooperation to my Successor, Archbishop Peter Machado, and assist him in all his pastoral endeavours so that the vibrant Church in Bangalore continues to proclaim and witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am confident that you will do so. May I, on your behalf, wish him a fruitful and successful Archiepiscopacy in our Archdiocese. May Mary, Mother of the Church, and St. Francis Xavier, Patron of our Archdiocese, intercede with God for all of us and continue to guide us.
May I invoke God’s choicest blessings upon all the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Archdiocese. While assuring you of my prayers for all of you, may I also earnestly request you to pray for me that I may spend the rest of my life by resigning myself to God’s holy will and serving His people in the pastoral ministry as long as my health permits. I will be staying at “Sunset Glow”, the Retired Archbishops’ Residence, built by Archbishop Ignatius Pinto.
Yours in Christ
Bernard Moras
Apostolic Administrator