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Transformative Power of Love, Forgiveness, and Faith

Thamwar Monsang csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 15: 1 – 11; Lk 7: 36 – 50

The gospel presents an event where a woman comes to Jesus, washes his feet with her tears, wipes them with her hair, and kisses them. This act had different effects on the people present. Simon, the host and a Pharisee, questioned the act and the woman’s character. Others nearby also disapproved of what she did and the subsequent actions. All of them saw only the external act, but Jesus was looking at the interior movements of the spirit, which were reflected in a repentant heart and a transformed person. Therefore, He says, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Jesus perceives Simon’s thoughts and tells him a parable about forgiveness and love. He contrasts the woman’s actions of love and repentance with Simon’s lack of hospitality and judgment. Jesus forgives the woman’s sins, telling her that her faith has saved her.

This passage from the gospel of Luke teaches us about the transformative power of love, forgiveness, and faith. The woman’s deep repentance and love for Jesus led to her forgiveness and salvation. Jesus shows us that no one is beyond redemption and that true contrition and love can bring about reconciliation with God.

The story challenges us to examine our own attitudes toward sinners and outcasts, reminding us to show compassion, mercy, and forgiveness to all, just as Jesus did. It also calls us to reflect on the depth of our own love for God and our willingness to seek forgiveness and reconciliation in our own lives.

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