Trust that God is Always With Us

Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Jer 31: 1-7; Mt 15: 21-28

In the first reading, God gives a comforting promise to his people, assuring them that he will bring them back to their own land and make them a happy and prosperous nation again. He promises a Messiah in whose Kingdom they will find eternal happiness.

In the gospel reading, we see Jesus being moved by the faith of a Canaanite woman who recognizes him as the promised Messiah from the family of David. Even though Jesus initially focused on serving Israel, he extended his mission to include gentiles, showing that he wants to save all people.

In our lives, we also face situations where we feel challenged and put down. These are the moments we must stand firm in our faith in Jesus. God loves us no matter what situation we are in, and we need to trust that he will comfort us in his own time. People around us might discourage us, just as the disciples tried to dismiss the Canaanite woman.

However, we need to persist in our faith and love for God, just like she did. Her unwavering faith led to her daughter’s healing. Though people’s attitudes may change, our faith should remain constant, trusting that God is always with us to comfort and guide us.