By Fr. Hedwig Lewis SJ —
Most people ‘celebrate’ Christmas; some don’t. Those who do celebrate, communicate joy to their family and friends. The others remain enveloped in sadness, perhaps owing to some ‘tragedy’ that has occurred during the year – especially the death of a loved one. We understand and sympathize with those in mourning; however we also wish that they view their loss from a perspective that enables them to experience the “tidings of great joy” that Christmas brings, and share it with others as they would in normal circumstances. The following true story will hopefully inspire such an attitude to those who are sad as well as those who want to reach out to the broken-hearted.
Nuremberg in Germany is famous for its Christkindlmarkt or great Christmas Fair, a tradition that goes back over 400 years and attracts thousands of tourists even today (cheek the internet). The centre of attraction there is the famous “Nuremberg Angel” – fashioned out of gold paper. Following is a heartening story that tells of the origin of this dazzling doll of the sixteenth century.
Herr Hauser, a toy-designer in Nuremberg, was especially famous as a doll-maker. He and his young wife had a daughter with bright blue eyes and gold-hued hair. She was full of fun and laughter, and endeared herself to everyone who came to the shop. But tragedy struck when she fell victim to a plague.
Her parents were completely heart-broken. Herr Hauser, in his inconsolable grief, just could not get himself to work. His enthusiasm for creating new toys had died, too. He would sit quietly by the window all day, staring into infinity, brooding. At sundown he would walk aimlessly through the narrow streets, without once lifting his head to catch the sympathetic glances of his neighbours. As Christmas drew near he was, understandably, overwhelmed by grief.
On Christmas Eve, however, Herr Hauser had an astonishing dream. His deceased daughter appeared to him as a delightful cherub. He at once recognized his daughter’s familiar smile and charming eyes. She was evidently enjoying heavenly bliss and seemed to be entreating him to put an end to his grieving. Herr Hauser woke up with a start. He began to feel strangely revived. He turned to his wife beside him, and felt a strong urge to do something to revive her spirits, too. Like a shaft from the heavens, he was struck by brilliant idea. He tiptoed out of the bedroom, hurried to his workshop and began fashioning a special Christmas gift for his wife. He worked intensely and uninterruptedly. As the first streaks of dawn were breaking across the horizon he laid down his tools with satisfaction. He crept into the bedroom and placed the gift prominently on the table nearby. He wanted it to be the first thing his wife would set her sight on when she opened her eyes. He kept alert so as not to miss her first reaction.
When his wife awoke, her eyes fell on the gift and she sat up with a start. Right in front of her stood the most beautiful, life-sized doll she had ever seen. Its finely pleated paper skirt and apron glittered in the morning light. Each of its little hands held a candle. But what attracted here most was the face. It was the face of her little lost girl wearing her typical, coy, charming smile. She turned to her husband and hugged him tightly. Tears of joy flowed freely down their cheeks. “Our daughter is back! Let’s celebrate Christmas,” she cried out excitedly. From that moment on, they forgot their grief and began to feel their normal, enthusiastic selves. They actually celebrated Christmas: the birth of the Child in their hearts.
Soon news of the incident began to spread. People from across the town gathered at the doll-maker’s shop to see for themselves this wonderful creation. They were so impressed that they made Herr Hauser promise he would have copies of it ready for them to purchase before the next Christmas season. There were so many `advance bookings’ of the doll that Herr Hauser was kept interminably busy all through the year.
At the following Christkindl Markt, the doll was put on display. Since then, the Nuremberg Angel – as it came to be known, became a hot favourite and formed part of the traditional Christmas decoration. Everyone who visited the great Christmas fair made it a point to take home a Nuremberg Angel – and its reassuring “tidings of great joy”.
Celebrate Christmas!
Fr Hedwig Lewis SJ is the author of “Christmas by Candlelight”. Published by <>
This article has been retrieved from the author’s Christmas archive – The New Leader, 2009.