Unchecked Ambition Can Draw us Away from God

Jebin Jose csc –

Readings: Wis 2: 12,17-20; Jas 3: 16-4:3; Mk 9: 30-37

In the first reading from the book of Wisdom, we hear about people planning to harm a righteous person who follows God. This makes us think of Jesus’ passion and the silent suffering he went through for us.

In the beginning of the gospel, Jesus talks about his upcoming sufferings, but the disciples are busy arguing about who among them is the greatest. They misunderstood Jesus’ teachings about his kingdom, thinking it would be a place of honour and status. Ambition isn’t bad in itself, but it needs to be controlled and aimed at good purposes.

Today’s readings encourage us to think about what true greatness means to God. Jesus explains that real greatness is not about power or status, but about being humble, serving others, and sacrificing for others. The disciples’ desire for recognition stands in contrast to Jesus’ example, showing us that to follow him is to choose a life of humility and selflessness.

In the second reading, St. James asks us to be peacemakers and warns against unchecked ambition, which can draw us away from God’s love. True peacemakers live according to the gospel, attracting others to faith. St. James also encourages us to seek peace and a pure heart, reminding us that when ambition and desire are uncontrolled, they cause conflict and pull us away from God’s love and the peace he wants for us.

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