Use Your Gifts to Bring Happiness to Others

Emelius Lyngkhoi csc –

Readings: Prov 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18

Today’s readings speak to us about how we can be a light and a source of help to others, especially those in need. The first reading reminds us that we should never hesitate to extend a helping hand to those in need. Even if we do not receive any benefit from them, God is always present to repay our kindness. The gospel also invites us to be a light and a source of support to others through the gifts and talents that God has given us. God has generously endowed us with this beautiful life, filled with talents and gifts.

Therefore, He expects us to use them to help and uplift our neighbours. In our modern world, we often focus on what benefits us personally, living increasingly individualistic lives. Our sense of sharing and concern for the well-being of others can diminish.

Today’s readings encourage us to reflect on how we can be a light and a help to others. How can we share and assist others through our talents and abilities? As St. John Paul II noted, “The future starts today, not tomorrow” (Homily, 1991). Let us use our gifts to bring light, love, joy, happiness, and hope to those around us, especially those who feel lonely or marginalized.

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