Value the Cost of Discipleship

By Richardson P csc

Readings: Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23-28

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus invites and encourages his disciples to pray to God constantly in his name. As we are the radical followers of Christ, we need to keep on praying to our heavenly Father, who loves us unconditionally and fulfills our needs.

As Religious, we are responsible for giving the taste of prayer to the faithful; even when they question God and disbelieve his existence due to problems and the sickness in their lives. Whenever we pray as a community, we must remember the people in our prayers and pray especially for their livelihood. Jesus before leaving the world to go to the Father promised us that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and be with us as our advocate.

As Christians, we have to believe always in the power of the Holy Spirit who is amidst us and intercedes for us. Our regularity and faithfulness to the prayer life lead us to the depth of the spiritual journey and help us to introspect. As true disciples of Christ, let us value the cost of discipleship through our commitment and faithfulness to the Lord and his mission.