Breaking rainfall records of 50+ years, Israel was blessed with an unusually wet winter this past year. The Sea of Galilee rose, the rivers and reservoirs overflowed, and the underground Aquifers filled up. Wow… thank God!
With the heavy rains also came flooding and damages in the low laying regions, and we ask the Lord to keep our people safe and protected during the stormy season.
Psalm 126:4 says, “Restore our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the South.” This scripture, while pointing towards the Lord’s ultimate redemptive work for His people, sets this miracle in the context of the riverbeds in Israel’s southern region, our NEGEV. Why?
In the South of Israel, riverbeds that may stand dry and waterless most of the year come alive with roaring flash floods when rain storms dump large quantities of water up on the Judean mountains above the desert floor.
Within hours, flash-floods form in the riverbeds below, and soon the arid desert comes alive with millions of flowers blooming across its vast terrain. However, the danger of these floods remains for all those who are not prepared and are not reading the signs correctly. May we have eyes to see and hearts to understand all that the Lord is saying to His people during this wet winter.
Shabbat blessings to all our friends around the world.