We Must Shine for Others

By Eedara Vamshi csc –

Readings: Ezra 1:1-6; Lk 8:16-18

In today’s gospel, Jesus says that no one, after lighting a lamp, hides it under a jar. Normally, after lighting a lamp, we keep it on a table so that the darkness can be dispelled from our house, and we can see and walk freely.

Similarly, our life is meant to bring light and life to others. But when we live in constant anger, anguish, agony, frustration, we cause darkness to those around us. Jesus is the true light before whom all darkness is dispelled. He comes to give us his light so that we can share this light and brighten up our lives in society among those around us.

Despite our sinful deeds and actions, he still loves us and saves us because that is God’s nature. If we want our light to shine into the darkness of this pandemic, we need to proclaim that Jesus is the light of the world. Only he can save and heal us from all our sickness. We should do that not only through our words but through the witness of our lives.

We also need to proclaim the gospel when we love as Jesus did willingly to sacrifice for the good of others and forgive those who have hurt us. This will make us shine in the world. If you and I are not shining with the light of Christ, it is because he is not burning in our soul. When he is burning in our soul, we cannot but shine for others. As religious, we must ensure that wherever we are placed, we should be able to shine as a light for the